The webhook feature lets Gotenberg asynchronously upload output files from multipart/form-data routes to a specified destination. The API immediately returns a 204 No Content response while the upload continues in the background.
It uses the following HTTP headers:
Header | Description | Default |
Gotenberg-Webhook-Url | The callback to use. | required |
Gotenberg-Webhook-Error-Url | The callback to use if error. | required |
Gotenberg-Webhook-Method | The HTTP method to use (POST, PATCH, or PUT). | POST |
Gotenberg-Webhook-Error-Method | The HTTP method to use if error (POST, PATCH, or PUT). | POST |
Gotenberg-Webhook-Extra-Http-Headers | The extra HTTP headers to send to both URLs (JSON format). | None |
Checkout the Webhook module configuration to tailor the Webhook feature to your needs.
PipeDream provides an excellent platform if you wish to test the webhook feature.
- cURL
curl \
--request POST http://localhost:3000/forms/chromium/convert/url \
--header 'Gotenberg-Webhook-Extra-Http-Headers: {"MyHeader": "MyValue"}' \
--header 'Gotenberg-Webhook-Url: https://my.webhook.url' \
--header 'Gotenberg-Webhook-Method: PUT' \
--header 'Gotenberg-Webhook-Error-Url: https://my.webhook.error.url' \
--header 'Gotenberg-Webhook-Error-Method: POST' \
--form url=https://my.url
- 204 No Content
- 400 Bad Request
- 403 Forbidden
- Callback Request
- Callback Error Request
Gotenberg-Trace: {trace}
This errors happens if one ore more headers are invalid.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Gotenberg-Trace: {trace}
Body: {error}
This error happens if at least one of the given URLs is not authorized.
See the Webhook module configuration for more details.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Gotenberg-Trace: {trace}
Body: Forbidden
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={output-filename.ext}
Content-Type: {content-type}
Content-Length: {content-length}
Gotenberg-Trace: {trace}
User-Agent: Gotenberg
Body: {output-file}
You may customize the Content-Disposition
header thanks to output filename header.
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Gotenberg-Trace: {trace}
User-Agent: Gotenberg
"status": "{status}",
"message": "{message}"