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Version: 8.x


The webhook feature enables Gotenberg to upload the output file originating from multipart/form-data routes to a selected destination. Upon employing the webhook feature, the API promptly returns a 204 No Content response, and the entire process is carried out asynchronously.

It uses the following HTTP headers:

Gotenberg-Webhook-UrlThe callback to use.required
Gotenberg-Webhook-Error-UrlThe callback to use if error.required
Gotenberg-Webhook-MethodThe HTTP method to use (POST, PATCH, or PUT).POST
Gotenberg-Webhook-Error-MethodThe HTTP method to use if error (POST, PATCH, or PUT).POST
Gotenberg-Webhook-Extra-Http-HeadersThe extra HTTP headers to send to both URLs (JSON format).None

Checkout the Webhook module configuration to tailor the Webhook feature to your needs.


PipeDream provides an excellent platform if you wish to test the webhook feature.

curl \
--request POST http://localhost:3000/forms/chromium/convert/url \
--header 'Gotenberg-Webhook-Extra-Http-Headers: {"MyHeader": "MyValue"}' \
--header 'Gotenberg-Webhook-Url: https://my.webhook.url' \
--header 'Gotenberg-Webhook-Method: PUT' \
--header 'Gotenberg-Webhook-Error-Url: https://my.webhook.error.url' \
--header 'Gotenberg-Webhook-Error-Method: POST' \
--form url=https://my.url
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Gotenberg-Trace: {trace}